What a weekend. worked on Saturday during the day...then i went out with friends and when i got back (quite early for a saturday night) I didn't feel like sleeping although i was all ready for it. I decided to spend some time on the computer and, before i knew it, It was 5am. I figured I'd better get to bed since I had to be at the church in about 4 hours. Needless to say I was tired when I got to the church and I don't plan on doing something like that for a while. It was quickly relieved with a quick nap.
Thought of the day: It seems things in this world all seem to happen in patterns of 3. There are 3 perceptions of time (past, present, and future), 3 perceptions of space (length, width, height), and 3 perceptions of matter (liquid, solid, and gas).
On the supernatural plane there is God in 3 persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (more commonly referred to as the Holy Trinity). An interesting analogy I came across was that of water and the perceptions of matter. Water, like many other chemicals. can exists in 3 states and still be water. It can be ice, liquid water, or water vapour but it is still water. In the same way God is 3 persons but all are still God. Not only that, but they have served / serve different purposes and are essential for us: The creation (God the Father) brought us into existence, the death and resurrection (God the Son) made us righteous in the eyes of the Creator (but not atoned) for our sins, and the guide (Holy Spirit) helps us to talk to God and works in us to improve are relationship with God through Jesus. As easter approaches, Jesus' death on the cross will be remembered (moreso than bunnies, chocolate, or e-egg hunts) as its significance is far more important and it's my prayer that nobody I love has to experience eternal separation from God after their body has given their last breath and they find themselves standing before God.