Halfway Down the Rabbit Hole


Further up, further in.

  • me update
  • current events
  • DGE Debate
  • rabbithole feature

It's been a while since I last posted and I have some time now so I decided to update it. The last update detailed the Frosh week I had and the details within it. Since then I've started and been attending classes on a mostly regular basis (lectures are ok, but tutorials are vital). The core classes that I'm taking are Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Computers, and some Project class that's year long. The material from it all is not overly difficult, it's just a lot of work to keep on top of. As with all schoolwork, if you can keep up with it you should be fine. I started off the year thinking that, as a "young mature" student it'd seem socially awkward to be going to school with a class of 17 and 18 year olds who aren't old enough to go to the Clark Hall Pub (Centre of the Universe) for many of its events; those caught using a fake id will receive a tri-pub ban (there are 3 pubs in campus and Clark is the one above the bookstore). However, as time went on I've made friends with people who are actually a little older and may/can go to Ritual with me. As Engineers we seem to be big on traditions and displaying some of the "traditions" we've participated in on our GPA.

But enough about me.

I've been too busy lately to keep up with much of the news, but reading a copy of today's Toronto Star I briefly read an article that basically said that the US was detailing some sort of bill or law that would restrict access to space to those that were friendly with the U.S. Policies (in other words, Korea would be out). My first thought on this was, "How do the US and Friends plan to enforce such a situation....?" or are they implying the other result. I may have to read up more on it but just the headline seemed to imply that the US was growing into more of a state of policing the world and this might be a step towards policing space as well.
Another article in the Star detailed the opinions of Canadians towards the use of torture. The majority of respondents to the survey were not in support of the use of torture by any means, while a minority supported its use if it would save innocent life. Some of the methods involve described in the article included the use of sleep deprivation, extended use of cold (keeping someone naked in a room kept a 10c and splashing water on them periodically), having them sit or lie in uncomfortable situations for extended periods of time, or hitting or slapping them in a manner to provoke fear and pain but not internal/permanent injury to them.

Tuesday Night, I went to a debate that was advertised all over campus as "Does God Exist". It was a debate between two scholars (who had extensive degrees in various fields, including M. Eng. Eng. Phys, and Philosophy) who took opposing sides as to whether or not God exists. This debate was put on in Grant Hall by the Christian group known as Campus for Christ. I'd say between 50 and 100 people showed up for the event, though people left during the debate; it was midterm season. I left during the question period. I would have stayed longer but the longer I stayed the more I felt that the debate was getting absurd. The atheist's argument could be summarized in several points. -I can't see him, thus he doesn't exist-If He is an all good God, all evidence to the contrary (sic), why does He let bad things (she used Paul Bernardo as an example) happen to good/innocent people.The phrase "If God exists, all evidence to the contrary" was repeated ad nauseum.The Theist argued using several proposals, including one that argued that a specific protein present in all organic beings is so complex that it could not have been produced by any natural process.The debate on the whole repeated the above arguments and at one point the Atheist proclaimed that the theist was insane, citing the definition for clinical delirium when the Theist said that he had experienced God in an attempt to nullify the Atheist's argument. Having seen all that I cared to I left.

Rabbit Hole Feature. Can't think of one atm...maybe later.


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