Halfway Down the Rabbit Hole


You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls.

The other day I found out that Daily Show host Jon Stewart had appeared on CNN's Crossfire. I've watched Crossfire a couple of times; it's a show where pretty much you have two people debating with virtually no rules at all. Jon Stewart's the Daily Show appears on the Comedy Network and pretty much takes world/political news in an almost satirical fashion... that is...it presents it that way.

When Jon appeared on Crossfire, he was telling those people on Crossfire that they weren't doing a good job and they were telling him that he wasn't doing a good job of being an investigative interviewer (Jon had John Kerry on the show and didn't ask him serious questions). If the point of that show was to have Jon debate something with the other two (Begala and Carson), well...it didn't' get very far IMHO. They didn't try to answer any questions, only just try to reciprocate accusations right back on Stewart.

The main difference here, as mentioned in the title of this blog, was that Jon represented a show on Comedy Network, whereas Crossfire is featured on CNN, a major news network that is somewhat more credible than Comedy Network (or at least should be more credible)

Apparently more people had downloaded and watched the video clip of it on their computers than had watched it when it aired on CNN. It was all over the P2P networks (I found it on a bittorrent given out by slashdot.org)


  • At 12:47 p.m., Blogger Erica said…

    I too caught Jon's appearance on Crossfire and I just loved seeing those guys (Particularly Carson), squirm.

  • At 2:36 a.m., Blogger Justin said…

    "well...it didn't' get very far IMHO."
    Isn't it amazing how they don't ever have to meaningfully deal with the issues? They just yell opinions back and forth at each other...the worst part being that that's all it's ever been.


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