Halfway Down the Rabbit Hole


Well..after not posting for a while (I would've posted earlier but I didn't really have much to post, and as you know when I do post I just ramble on about stuff that might not seem important to anyone else but me) I decided there was probably enough now to make a post.

After hearing a particularily good song played on the piano (though the performance wasn't perfect the player made an excellent try and finished), I was inspired to take up playing the piano again. I can't play as well as I have before but I can still play well and have an appreciation for the music and it's melody. Who knows..I might even start practicing more difficult pieces until I can play the better.

Today started off relatively well. I had an amazing night's sleep (which I only seem to get once a week; on saturdays) so i decided to get started on changing the water in fish tank as I had promised to do many days ago. After I had changed all the water in the fish tank I couldn't get the filter working. Since that filter not only cleans the air but also reoxygenates the water I figured I should get the tank working soon or the fish would suffocate. Needless to say, I never got the filter working again; I think it was because there was water in the motor and the motor finally stopped working. So I had to run to Walmart to buy a new one and, forgetting the exact width (we still had filters that could fit the old one), called home to ask what the exact width was. But once the new filter was bought ($40 later) everything else went like a snap and I was able to finish inside 5 minutes. These fish just won't die...

Tonight I got into a mega-philosophical discussion. This was not over one topic, not even two, but three topics that were intertwined.
Capital Punishment
The first was whether or not capital punishment was justified (not as revenge, but as punishment, which led to the second arguement). This section of the discussion ended with everyone agreeing that it all came down to personal opinion (which I found to be sort of irrelevant in the context of God's Law, which is objective, but in the context of our own opinion it would be the deciding factor as there was strong evidence in both matters.
Authority on it
The second arguement was on whether the authorities had the right to do that (using biblical context to support that authority is appointed and bears a sword for a reason).
Predestiny vs Free Will
The third arguement concerned the convicted criminal on death row and the fact that he could become a christian and make his life right with God after he receives a life sentence whereas he may not have the same opportunity if he's executed. The discussions involved included the fact that he made the choice beforehand (when committing the crime) to turn his back on God's values. This discussion brought about the question about whether or not the person had free will or whether he was predestined. The predestiny and free will discussion is a favourite among my friends; good to argue with them about it but we can never come up with a good solid conclusion.
There was a lot to think about.


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